43223 House for Sale by Owner – does need Remodeling.

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43223 House for Sale by Owner is a 4 -bedroom 1.5 Bathroom located in Columbus Ohio. The house is in need of a total remodel [to get ARV of 185k ] but is being bought at 44% of the area ARV.

The property for sale has good bones but needs cleaned up and updated. The cost of the remodel will depend on the property use and the buyer’s budget and preference. The properties performa that you will receive when you fill out the form includes a budget, and comps to properties that have sold in the area.

The budget was done by Central Ohio Real Estate Investment LLC’s Contractor so the numbers will work in today’s market. To see pictures of the property and contact information Click Here .

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4 Bed 2.5 Bath House for Sale

This form is for the property located Cortona Rd Columbus OH 43204.
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