House-for-sale-Columbus OH 43223 – Priced 40% Below Market

house-for-sale-Columbus OH 4322340% Below Market-Columbus OH House for Sale

    House-for-sale-Columbus OH 43223 is listed on the cloumbus-mls for      $30,000.00. This mls-home is rented at $825.00 a month to a tenant in their 11th    month with plans to renew the lease.  This House-for-sale-Columbus OH 43223 is   a 3 bed room 2 full bath house for sale.    This mls-home is located at 927    Sullivant Ave in Columbus Ohio with the zip code being 43223. In the front of the house you walk into the living room; the dining room and kitchen are to the rear of the house, with a mud room located at the back door. Up the stairs and on the 2nd floor there are 3 bed rooms and a full bath.

As of June 10th 2015 there are 69 homes for sale on the Columbus-MLS . The average sales price for zip code 43223 is $53,543 and the median sales price being $51,000.   The House-for-sale-Columbus OH 43223 located at 927 Sullivant Ave is priced at 40% below the average sale price for zip code 43223.  The properties gross annual income is $9900.00. The tenant is responsible and pays all utilities, the landlord pays the taxes of $1,003.22 . The net annual income on the property is $6916.78 for a cap rate of 23%

For more Information call 1-888-851-5116 EXT 753

Between the peak housing year of 2005 and last year, average home prices fell about 30 percent in the west side Columbus neighborhoods compared with about 12 percent throughout central Ohio. In the same period, the number of home sales plummeted about 40 percent on the West Side, compared with 28 percent regionally.

This year, however, the numbers have improved: During the first eight months, home sales rose in the west side  zip codes for the first time since 2005.

Jim Weiker from the Columbus-dispatch  states “In the 43223 zip code, the average sale price has jumped 18 percent from a year ago.”  Homes for sale on the west side are being bought by home owners and real estate investors.

The demographics of homes for sale 43223

The estimated population for the area is at 27,210 people with 51% being female and 49% being male. 41% of people are married, 29% single, 9% separated, 8% widowed, and 14% divorced according to The population Growth (since 2000) is 1% and the Population Density (ppl / mile) is 2477.

The occupancy for real estate Columbus OH in zip code 43223 is 46% owner occupied, 39% rented, with a 15% vacancy rate. The average rents for a 2 bed room are $625, for a 3 bed room $800 and for a 4 bed room $900.00. The cause for the demand in rentals is caused by the commerce that Columbus OH has seen over the last couple of years, and the decline of unemployment for the area.

The house-for-sale-Columbus OH 43223  is the perfect opportunity for the buy and hold investor.

For more information on 927 Sullivant Ave call Columbus-Realtor Roger Loesel at 614 961 0169 he will set up a private showing on the house-for-sale-Columbus OH 43223

house-for-sale-Columbus OH 43223

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